Permanent restrooms are coming to Des Moines' Riverview Park - Axios Des Moines

2022-07-26 11:48:02 By : Ms. Sera Wu

Axios Des Moines is an Axios company.

Riverview Park will have permanent restrooms sometime in 2024 under a new project between Des Moines and Polk County governments.

Why it matters: The park has become a big deal in recent months following the completion of a $4 million rehab that includes a new 6,000-seat outdoor concert venue.

Driving the news: Polk County Supervisors approved $350,000 this month to build a cul-de-sac on Corning Avenue, near the park's east entrance and where the restrooms will be located.

State of play: The number of restrooms, or lack of, is the top gripe about DSM park's system.

Bottom line: Hold those sweet cheeks.

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